by Carolyn Olson | Sep 2, 2013 | Redlands Daily Facts: Long-Term Care Facts Column
Long-Term Care Facts Column: article originally published by the Redlands Daily Facts August 29, 2013: How sick is the long-term care insurance industry? The headlines are bleak: “What’s killing the long-term care insurance industry?” “Costs of Long-Term Care Rise...
by Carolyn Olson | Feb 20, 2012 | LTCi Info Articles
What is Long-Term Care? Long-term care includes a variety of services that may be both medically and/or non-medically necessary for people with a chronic illness or disability. Health and personal needs are met through long-term care. Generally speaking, long-term...
by Carolyn Olson | Jan 26, 2012 | Medicare
Medicare = The federal care program providing hospital and medical insurance to people aged 65 or older and to certain ill or disabled persons. Benefits for nursing home and home health services are limited.